The one

You miss her a lot and realize that the decision to separate was terrible.

If only there were something you could do to help you get your ex-wife back.

Now all you have are regrets and a lot of hatred for how things happened.

But you know what?

If you’re wondering how to get your ex-wife back, you are not alone.

No one gets married thinking about separation or divorce. Things started off great for the two of you. And there was a time when you couldn’t get enough of each other. You enjoyed the same things and had dreams of living happily ever.

Then life happened, and things started to change.

Gradually, you started fighting more; small issues irritated you, you began seeing less of each other, until the final straw when one of you insisted you needed to separate.

Then panic ensued, and you started wondering how to get your ex-wife back.

I’m here to tell you that you can.

Even better, you can get your ex-wife back and get her to stay.

But how?

In this post, we will look at some of the things you need to take care of and steps to help you understand how to get back with your ex-wife.

But first, let’s find out if it’s possible to get your ex-wife back.

Can You Successfully Get Your Ex-Wife Back?

Can You Successfully Get Your Ex-Wife Back
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Should you even try to get your ex-wife back?

She has already replaced her “I do” with an “I don’t.”

What’s to say that once you do everything to get back with your ex-wife, she won’t leave again?

Furthermore, there is no point working hard on how to get your ex-wife back, only to lose her few months down the line.

But what would cause her to leave again?

Failing to work on issues that ruined the marriage in the first place.

And unless you know how to find and take care of these issues, they will rear their ugly heads once again and ruin your chances at happiness with the woman you love.

So what can you do?

Start by taking our “get your ex-back recovery quiz.” It will help you find out what went wrong and tactics to employ if you want to know how to get back with your ex-wife.

Take the Quiz Now!

But how can you know if it’s worth it to try or how to get your ex-wife back?

Here are signs to know if you should try and get back with your ex-wife. Let’s take a closer look:

After your divorce, the woman you thought was  is gone, regardless of whether you ended the marriage or she did.

Are You Compatible?

Did things fall into place, feel right, or comfortable?

Are You Compatible
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Compatibility transcends love and goes hand-in-hand with communication and respect.

But how can you tell if you are compatible?

You shared the same core values and found her endearing despite her imperfections. She was also the first person you felt like sharing news with, whether good or bad.

What’s more?

You enjoyed each other’s presence, and she made you want to become a better person.

These are some of the signs that indicate that your love was special and that you need to work hard to get your ex-wife back.

Circumstances That Led to Divorce

Maybe your ex was moving away, and you were not ready to leave everything behind and go with her. Or maybe, she wanted kids, and you didn’t.

Such circumstances can make it easy to get your ex-wife back, especially if you are ready to compromise.

Fixable Issues

It’s possible to get back with your ex-wife if the issues that led to the separation are fixable.

For example, if it’s due to reasons like failure to communicate, not appreciating her enough, etc.

No Cheating or Physical Abuse Involved

It’s rarely possible to get your ex-wife back if issues like cheating, violence, or a difference in values led to the divorce. These issues destroy trust and respect while making your solid foundation shaky.

The pain and hurt resulting from these problems can also be too challenging to leave behind.

After going through all the signs, do you still want to get your ex-wife back?

Is your situation salvageable?

If your answer is yes, then let’s get into the steps you can take to get back with your ex-wife for good.

But first, a look into mistakes you need to avoid if you want to get back with your ex-wife.

What Not to Do If You Want to Get Your Ex-Wife Back

There are several things you need to stay away from while you’re planning how to get back with your ex-wife.

For example, you feel lonely, hit the bar with your friends, and five bottles of beer later, you decide to call her.

What Not to Do If You Want to Get Your Ex-Wife Back
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Who cares if it’s two am, and she is sleeping?

All you want is to get your ex-wife back and make her understand that your divorce was a terrible mistake. You love her so much and would do anything she wants so long as you have her in your arms.

Can you hear the desperation in the story?

But that’s not all.

There are several other things on the not-to-do list if you want to get your ex-wife back.

They include:

Constantly Texting and Calling

Constantly Texting and Calling
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If you want know how to get back with your ex-wife, please don’t text and call every day or after every few hours.

Please don’t listen to that desperate voice telling you that your ex will forget you if you don’t call her.


Because every time you text or call, she sees your neediness, desperation, and misery. You showcase your unattractive qualities that can drive your ex-wife further away.

Begging and Pleading

Begging and Pleading
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The first instinct when you break up is to fight for the relationship. You want desperately to know how to get back with your ex-wife and you would do anything to prove your love.

In your mind, you think that the only way how to get your ex-wife back is to show her how desperate and miserable you are without her.

Unfortunately, this move only works 1% of the time.

Why is that?

It shows your ex-wife that you are an insecure and weak person. And trust me, no one wants such qualities in the person they love.

And even if you manage to figure out how to get your ex-wife back this way, she will only be with you out of pity.

Is that what you really want from a relationship? Or do you want her to love and respect you for who you are?

Become a Doormat

Become a Doormat
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At this point, you think the only way how to get your ex-wife back is to do everything she wants, no questions asked. Nothing else matters except her happiness, which results in your ex-wife walking all over you.

She makes the most insane demands, but you ignore all your instincts and give in to them because you want her back.

Unfortunately, becoming a doormat will not help you and it’s not the right way how to get back with your ex-wife. It will instead make her lose respect for you as a person.


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Sending flowers or teddy bears to her doorstep each day will not help you get your ex-wife back.

The truth is, you should have done this before the breakup. It’s a bit too late, and now you are just compensating for the fact that you didn’t.

She will see right through your showers of affection for what they are – a desperate move to get her back.

Become Nasty

Become Nasty
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A friend of your calls;

“Hey, Jake. I just saw Ann hanging out with this guy at the pub. Man, she is having fun!”

Without a second thought, you drive up to the pub and start calling your ex-wife names or get into a fight with the guy. You may even beat up the guy she is with, and then drive off home in anger after bouncers throw you out.

Yeah, that’s not the kind of behavior or attitude you want to be portraying if you’re serious about how to get back with your ex-wife. In fact, it’s the kind of behavior that confirms your ex-wife’s decision to leave in the first place.

And the worst part?

You push her further into the arms of the guy she was with, especially if he defends her and never lays a hand on her.

Misinterpreting Situations

After a separation or divorce, you read into everything your ex-wife does, leading to a rollercoaster of emotions.

For example:

She calls you up to find out how you are doing, and you start professing your undying love.

She says she is yet to get over you, and you rush to her house, hoping for a movie like reconciliation.

Some guy tags her on a Facebook photo, and you start accusing her of cheating on you with him.

Trust me; it can only go downhill from there if you don’t watch your emotions.

So, take time to process issues and avoid jumping to conclusions if you’re serious about learning how to get your ex-wife back.

Post Negative Comments on Social Media

Post Negative Comments on Social Media
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Doing this only showcases your desperation and need to validate that it wasn’t your fault the relationship ended.

What’s more?

It will not only ruin any chances you have to learn how to get your ex-wife back. It will also make it hard for you to attract new friends who may want to go out with you sometime.

Hurting Yourself

Hurting Yourself
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Divorce can bring out negative feelings that make you want to hurt yourself. The pain makes you think that you can make them suffer for what they did to you by hurting yourself.

Or maybe you believe that it’s the only way how to get back with your ex-wife.

Please don’t.

Hurting yourself for someone who has clearly shown they don’t care about you will not only be dumb but will also hurt those who love you. And it is NOT the way how to get your ex-wife back.

Getting into a Serious Relationship

When you’re on a quest and planning how to get your ex-wife back, it is not the time to start jumping into another relationship.

I know you probably feel worthless and want to get back at your ex-wife. You want to show her that you are worthy of love, and you hope that will drive her back into your arms.

It won’t!

It will only work against your plan of how to get your ex-wife back.

Panicking When She Starts Dating

Panicking When She Starts Dating
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When serious about how to get your ex-wife back, the final blow comes when she starts seeing someone else. Seeing her happy and having fun crashes your soul.

Next thing you know, you are stalking her on social media, calling her friends to find out if it’s serious, and trying to monitor her every move.

It makes you miss her even more, and you start remembering the good times, the sex, the dinner dates, and so much more. Then, no matter how much you try to stop it, you begin envisioning her doing everything you two did together with the new man.

Agonizing, right?

But it’s not the end.

You can still figure out how to get back with your ex-wife even after she’s moved on to another guy.

But it won’t happen if you go begging for love while she’s still with him.

This act will only push her further away.

What should you do?

We will talk about this later in the post.

Maybe you are reading this thinking:

Oh my gosh! I already did that!

Did you already fall into one of these traps?

Well, don’t worry.

It’s not too late to undo the damage, and finally, figure out how to get your ex-wife back. The most important thing is that you’ve realized these tactics don’t work, and are ready to get your ex-wife back the right way.

So, what’s the right way how to get back with your ex-wife?

Find out below:

How to Get Back with Your Ex-Wife the Right Way

How to Get Back with Your Ex-Wife the Right Way
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Once upon a time, your wife loved you and maybe she still does.

She adored you and wanted so much to forever be by your side. You inspired her and eventually convinced her to marry you.

You can make all that happen again!

But what’s the secret formula for how to get your ex-wife back?

Well, let’s find out.

How to Get Your Ex-Wife Back Step #1: Respect the No Contact Rule

How to Get Your Ex-Wife Back Step #1 Respect the No Contact Rule
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No contact means ceasing all and any communication for a while. And if you really want to know how to get your ex-wife back, it’s important that you start with this step.

You break all the bad habits like begging, get a grip on your self-control, and have faith in your ability to control your emotions.

And how long should the no contact duration take?

As long as it takes to heal, get back on your feet, and feel great about yourself without your ex.

But how would no contact with your ex-wife work in your favor?

It gets them to realize they are lonely. Your ex-wife will start missing you since you are slipping away and no longer try to reach out. You are also not at their beck and call, waiting on them to change their mind.

But how will this work if you have children or a business together?

Set boundaries that help you respect the no contact period. Even with children or a shared business, this is the first step of how to get your ex-wife back.

For example, in the case of a business, only communicate about business issues.

If you have children, lay down a parenting plan and live by it, without negotiations.

But how will this work if you have children or a business together
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For example, only talk for a limited time, if need be, when she comes to drop off or pick up the kids.

It will also help if you get a court-approved channel for communication if any of the kids have an issue. These communications, however, should not end in arguments nor be avenues to defend your actions.

Instead, limit them to only the least words that communicate a reply adequately.

What about school events?

If your ex-wife cannot be rational about the possibility of both of you attending, then ask the school to put you on rotation. This way, only one of you attends children’s functions at a time.

Other things to avoid if you’re serious about your plan of how to get back with your ex-wife include:

  • Calling them when you see something that reminds you of her.
  • Calling her friends to get the latest gossip about her.
  • Calling to ask how her new boyfriend or partner compares to you.
  • Stalking her.
  • Sharing exciting news about something that happened to the kids. Let the kids share the information with her.
  • “Accidentally” bumping into her in public so that you can initiate conversations. If you do accidentally run into her, just give a wave or nod. If she insists on talking, don’t bring up the relationship, and don’t let the conversation take more than ten minutes.
  • Visiting her favorite spots.
  • Conspiring to have mutual friends share your current developments with her.

But what is the reason for all this?

Isn’t it counterintuitive, especially when you’re planning how to get your ex-wife back?

It may sound like it, but this time apart will give you some much-needed perspective.

It also has other benefits, including:

  • Gives You Both Space to Heal

Gives You Both Space to Heal
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Both of you will be messed up after the divorce, especially if you tried any of the actions on the not-to-do list mentioned above.

You need time to heal before you can move forward with your plan for how to get back with your ex-wife.

Most importantly?

You need to grieve.

Getting through a divorce requires that you go through grief stages to experience healing and self-forgiveness.

What are the stages of grief?

  • Denial: “I can’t believe the divorce happened.”
  • Anger: You get angry at yourself for not realizing she had fallen out of love with your or that she was not happy.
  • Bargaining: Bargaining to ensure you fulfill all the things you failed to notice during the relationship. This is when you may do the stuff on the not-to-do list above as you try to win her back.
  • Depression: Depression can set in, especially if she rejects your attempts at reconciliation.
  • Acceptance: Finally, you accept the situation and find ways to move on.

You may experience all of these stages or only some of them. However, if you’re seriously thinking about how to get back with your ex-wife, make sure she does not see or know about your experiences during any of these stages.

Call it hiding, but it protects you from any stupid mistakes that could ruin your plan of how to get your ex-wife back.

This period also gives you a secure mentality where you can move on from trying to find out if your ex still loves you to finding happiness on your own.

  • Instills the Fear of Loss in Your Ex-Wife

Instills the Fear of Loss in Your Ex-Wife
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Another way the no-contact period helps you with your plan for how to get your ex-wife back is that it makes them experience your loss.

How so?

You give them enough time to notice your absence, feel lonely, and realize they miss you. Your ex-wife will start missing the sex, the companionship, the emotional connection, the satisfaction, and love.

And that’s a great start when it comes to how to get your ex-wife back.

They will start reminiscing on the good times, and soon the arguments, bad times, and mistakes begin to fade from her memories. She will start to realize how missing you in her life makes her miserable, especially if she still wants the relationship to work out as much as you do.

But how will your ex-wife deal with the no contact period, and what should be your response?

How to Deal with Your Ex-Wife During the No Contact Period

The following are different reactions and effects the no contact period may have on your ex, and how you should handle them in your plan for how to get back with your ex-wife.

Your ex-wife calls you, what should you do?

If she calls and texts every day, you need to tell her to give you some space and not contact you until you do. Don’t offer specifics, though, as this will defeat the purpose.

If it’s an emergency, respond to her, but center the conversation around the issue and nothing else. Don’t get into a relationship or personal issues.

However, if your ex-wife calls you when you’ve healed, pick up her call or text back. But, if there’s a chance that talking to her will bring about obsession and misery, don’t reply or answer her call.

What if your ex-wife gets into a relationship during this period?

It would be difficult to fall in love immediately after going through a divorce unless she was already cheating on you.

However, in most cases, it’s a rebound and may help her forget the pain of losing what you and she had.

But if you are not sure whether the relationship is real or not, then there are signs you can check to tell if it’s a rebound.

For example, if she keeps stalking you on social media or asks your mutual friends about you a lot, then it’s probably a rebound.

How should you handle rebound relationships?

Avoid stalking your ex-wife, begging her to take you back, or texting her constantly. Instead, work on making your ex believe she will be happier with you and not the new partner.

That’s an important part of your plan for how to get back with your ex-wife.

But how can you do it?

Analyze the weak points of her new partner, and work on becoming a better version of him and yourself. Find ways to show her the new you indirectly through her surroundings and friends.

If she shows off her new man to you, don’t overreact or show you are hurt. Instead, tell her you are happy for her and that all you are interested in is seeing her happy.

What if she thinks you are rude? Won’t this ruin your plan for how to get back with your ex-wife?

First of all, she left, or she broke your heart when she ended the marriage. Isn’t that rude enough?

Secondly, you cannot tell what your ex is thinking during the no contact period unless, of course, you can read minds. So, stop worrying and panicking about the situation.

Thirdly, it will be a good time for your ex-wife to face the divorce.

You see, all through the marriage and during the divorce proceedings, you were in constant communication.

Now, your ex-wife can no longer reach you easily, and it will give her time to face loneliness and grief.

Her reaction to this time alone can either be anger at you or complete silence. She may also decide to start stalking you or take this time to heal from the divorce.

But don’t panic; these are just some of the signs your ex will come back to you. There is also still time to plan how to get back with your ex-wife after she heals and hopefully concludes that she can’t live without you.

Note: If your ex starts contacting you before she heals, don’t take it as a reconciliation sign. In most cases, she wants to find out if she still has power over you, so don’t take the bait if you’re serious about your plan for how to get your ex-wife back.

How to Get Your Ex-Wife Back Step #2: Find Out the Reasons Behind Your Divorce

How to Get Your Ex-Wife Back Step #2 Find Out the Reasons Behind Your Divorce
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Are you really serious about learning how to get your ex-wife back?

Then you need to take a step back and re-evaluate your choices and decisions.

Most importantly, discover the reasons that led to the divorce.

How can you find out what really caused your divorce?

Start by understanding that before your ex-wife decided to leave, she put a lot of thought into the situation. She tried everything, weighed all of her options, and eventually gave up.

But what reasons would make your ex-wife want to get a divorce?

Your situation will be different so take all the time you need to jot down every fight you can remember and what caused it. Most probably, you will notice one or several underlying issues that led to problems in your marriage.

For example:

  • Did you make her feel unappreciated?
  • Did you not meet her needs?
  • Did you stop sharing values?
  • Were you less affectionate than she wanted?
  • Did you become needy or overprotective?
  • Are you the jealous type?
  • Did you stop putting effort into the marriage?
  • Did you cheat?
  • Were you controlling or abusive?
  • Did she get bored?

You may also notice that some of the arguments were due to unresolved issues or unresolved hurt feelings dragged into new situations.

It could also be that the frustrations your wife felt were not related to the marriage which could actually be a good sign. It could even help you on your quest of how to get your ex-wife back.

Maybe she was generally unhappy with life, work, or herself, and that affected your relationship. She could not dissociate one problem from the other, and you didn’t help the situation by not being there for her.

And how does reflecting help you plan how to get back with your ex-wife?

It helps you understand the problems that led to her leaving you. You can then work on changing those negative aspects of yourself and give her reasons to get interested in you again.

But the changes you make on your quest of how to get your ex-wife back should not only be for her benefit.

Find reasons to do it for yourself, too, as it will be more rewarding to become a better version of you.

What if it’s too much, even for you, to change what needs changing?

Then maybe you should reconsider your plan for how to get your ex-wife back. Perhaps you should stop trying to get her back and move on with your life.

But if you think she is worth the effort, work hard on your plan to get back with your ex-wife.

How to Get Your Ex-Wife Back Step #3: Become a Better Version of Yourself

How to Get Your Ex-Wife Back Step #3 Become a Better Version of Yourself
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The no contact period will not help you with your quest for how to get your ex-wife back if you don’t use the time to make positive changes in your life.

Yes, you will need this time to grieve and find out why the marriage ended, but you also need to rise up from those ashes.

You need to learn to enjoy your life again without your wife, while also becoming a better version of yourself before you can continue with your plan for how to get back with your ex-wife.

Take this time to make life changes that make you stronger, more confident, independent, and emotionally healthy.

For example, you can:

  • Accept that the relationship is over.
  • Forgive yourself.
  • Forgive your ex-wife for the part she played.
  • Get rid of reminders that make you feel miserable and want to cry.
  • Actively fight the urge to obsess over her.
  • Start exercising.
  • Start a journal or a new hobby.
  • Go out with friends.
  • Go out on dates with other women. Nothing serious, though! Doing this will help you get some perspective on your relationships.
  • Rebuild your confidence. Accept yourself for who you are, know your strengths and weaknesses, and be proud of yourself.
  • Work on your mental health.

How to Get Your Ex-Wife Back Step #4: Initiate Contact

How to Get Your Ex-Wife Back Step #4 Initiate Contact
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The next step in your quest of how to get your ex-wife back is to initiate contact.

But when should you initiate contact?

When you’ve finally grieved, healed, become a better version of you, and feel confident enough to face your ex-wife.

What’s more?

  • You are ready to face her without being desperate, miserable, or needy.
  • You are sure about the decision to get back together.
  • You have accepted that the relationship is over and that you may never get back with your ex-wife.
  • You are ready to move on if your ex-wife is not prepared to rekindle the relationship.

But how should you contact your ex-wife?

Before we get into the best contact method, if you’re serious about learning how to get back with your ex-wife, let’s talk about the message.

What should your first message contain?

Your first message should be one that acknowledges the breakup and your acceptance of the outcome. It’s also your opportunity to apologize for your bad behavior during and after the divorce.

What’s more?

It’s your opportunity to tell her about something good happening in your life that you would love to talk about later when she is ready for conversation.

How does this message help you with your plan for how to get your ex-wife back?

It lets her know that you’ve changed and are no longer the needy, desperate person refusing to let her go. It is also your way of asking her to forgive you while piquing her interest in your life.

As you have by now realized, this will be a long message. An email would, therefore, be your best choice for the first contact message.

What if she doesn’t reply or replies negatively?

Then maybe she has yet to get over the grief or she has moved on. You can then either choose to wait or also move on with your life.

If she replies positively, then it’s time to move on to the next phase of your plan for how to get your ex-wife back:

Initiating contact.

How should you communicate with her after the first contact?

Your communication choice will either be a call, a message on social media, or a text.

I highly recommend using the power of text if you want your plan for how to get back with your ex-wife to work.


Texts are personal and excellent for rebuilding the attraction you once had. They also give you time to compose your messages without having to think on the spot.

What’s more?

They give your ex-wife time to think about her reply.

Now, what’s the best way how to get your ex-wife back with text messages?

The first rule when texting your ex is not to appear needy or desperate. Your messages should also not be empty.

For example, avoid:


“I miss you.”

“I love you.”

“I need to see you. Can we meet?”

“I’m miserable. Can we get back together again?”

Also do not send emojis, become argumentative, or sound negative, for example:

“I miss the kids. They must think I am a terrible father. :(“

Instead, your messages should be positive, fun, and subtle if you’re serious about how to get back with your ex-wife. They should showcase your changes while also reminding her about the fun times you had. Your messages should also allow for continued conversation.

For example:

“Hey, remember that time, you and I skydived? We were both so scared but had so much fun together. I’m glad we did that.”

How will sending such a text help you with your plan for how to get back with your ex-wife?

It will help open up the lines of communication and rebuild the attraction before you can get together again in person.

Note: Don’t keep texting if you don’t get a reply. Always wait for your ex-wife to respond before sending a second text. Every step of your plan for how to get your ex-wife back requires patience.

Once you reconnect and are finally ready to meet, ask them to hang oute.

However, before we get into all that, let’s discuss what happens if she initiates contact before you do.

Then you need to respond appropriately, depending on whether you are ready for contact and whether or not you want her back. Which, if you’ve read this far in our guide for how to get your ex-wife back, we’re sure you do.

How to Get Your Ex-Wife Back Step #5: Ask Your Ex-Wife to Hang Out

How to Get Your Ex-Wife Back Step #5 Ask Your Ex-Wife to Hang Out
Image via Giphy

Asking your ex-wife on a date right away will not help you with your plan for how to get back with your ex-wife.


It may make her defensive or scared to show up.

Instead, ask her to hang out somewhere that’s not romantic.

What if she’s resistant when you ask?

Then offer her a slight nudge by being convincing and not pushy.

Remember that your relationship with your ex no longer exists. She owes you nothing and doesn’t have to do anything you ask. As of now, you are acquaintances or friends and you want to start over again with friendship.

How can you nudge her?

Make the meeting sound casual.

For example: “Hey, it’s just coffee. There’s no harm in that.”

If she agrees to hang out, then that’s the next step in your plan of how to get back with your ex-wife.

How to Get Your Ex-Wife Back Step #6: Hang Out With Your Ex

How to Get Your Ex-Wife Back Step #6 Hang Out With Your Ex
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Before you meet up with your ex-wife to hang out, you have to remember that you were married to this person. She knows you well enough to tell when you are faking it or bullshitting your way through an issue.

What’s more?

She knows what will set you off and will judge your every move.

I am not trying to scare you into not going, just preparing you for what may happen. If your plan for how to get your ex-wife back is to succeed, it’s important to be prepared.

How can you make sure you don’t mess up the meeting so you can get your ex-wife back?

  • Don’t be needy. It will ruin your plan for how to get your ex-wife back.
  • Be on the lookout for tests. She will want to know if you’ve really changed and may try to test you to find out. For example, if you are the jealous type, she might say that she had fun on a date two days ago. Be careful that your facial expression and body language don’t give you away.
  • Don’t boast about a date you went on just to make her jealous. That can harm your plan for how to get back with your ex-wife.

How should you react so that your plan for how to get back with your ex-wife is successful?

Getting angry will show her you really haven’t changed, and that can cause all of your hard work trying to learn how to get your ex-wife back to fail.

Instead, focus on making her laugh and have a good time.

For example:

If she brings up your bad behavior before, during, or after the divorce and how it hurt her feelings, don’t go into defense mode.

Instead, you can say, “Oh my gosh! I really did go on and on about it, didn’t I? I realize that that was very immature, and I apologize for being a total jerk.”

  • Don’t Ask Her to Rekindle the Relationship.

If you want to know how to get back with your ex-wife the right way, don’t ask her to re-start the relationship right away. Instead, focus on having a good time without bringing up the relationship.

But what if she wants to get back together and asks for your opinion about it?

Then, tell her that you have feelings for her and would love that very much, but now would not be a good time to do so. Tell her that maybe this time around, you need to take things slow and rediscover your love for each other.

  • Don’t Be the Only One Committed to Making it Work

What do I mean by this?

After your initial hangout sesh, wait and see if she contacts you first.

You don’t want to be in a relationship alone, or to waste your time planning how to get your ex-wife back. If she doesn’t want to make the relationship work, then let her go.

  • Don’t Be Squeezed into the Friend-Zone

If you’re serious about your plan of how to get your ex-wife back, you may end up in the friend zone.

Yes, you want to become her friend again, but that’s not all you want, right? Otherwise, you wouldn’t have read this far through our guide on how to get your ex-wife back.

The relationship can start casual, but it should eventually go beyond that. There should be flirting from both sides and some sexual chemistry if your plan for how to get back with your ex-wife is to work.

How can you avoid getting friend-zoned?

Avoid talking about her other love interests when you meet up. Have some boundaries, and do not offer dating advice. Kindly tell her that yes, she is your friend, but not the kind that talks about people she is sleeping with or dating.

What’s more?

Don’t sleep with her yet. For your plan of how to get your ex-wife back to work, you should wait until you are sure she is serious about getting back together. Otherwise, you may just become a friend with benefits she can leave if someone better shows up.

  • Walk Away if She Fails to Respect Your Boundaries

Yes, you want to figure out how to get your ex-wife back. But if your ex cannot respect your boundaries, see that you’ve changed, or give you another chance, walk away.

Get Your Ex-Wife Back for Good with Personalized Advice

I hope this guide will help you understand how to get back with your ex-wife the right way and start over with a healthy relationship. If you follow the steps for how to get your ex-wife back listed above, they will help you become a better version of yourself.

As a bonus, and to make sure you not only how to get back with your ex-wife but also keep her forever, join our Get Your Ex Back Program.

In as little as 14 days, you can learn how to get your ex-wife back with personalized advice based on your specific situation.

The program will help you:

  • Figure out what went wrong.
  • Get logical steps to help you get back with your ex-wife.
  • Ensure you make the right moves while trying to win her back.
  • Avoid mistakes that could ruin your chances to get your ex-wife back.
  • Learn to read her signals so that you can make more informed moves.
  • Improve yourself in a way that makes her want you back.

Don’t Wait Until It’s Too Late. Get into the Program Now!

Reunite With Your Ex-Partner

This 14-day relationship program will help you learn how to take responsibility for your relationship, repair your mistakes, and build a stronger and happier relationship with your ex. 

You’ll learn how to communicate effectively, set boundaries, and resolve conflict in a healthy manner. By the end of this program, you’ll have the necessary tools you need to get your ex back and build a strong, lasting relationship.

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