Love doesn’t come cheap. This might be something you’ve read on a mug or poster hung in someone’s house. Some might think or feel it to be true, but that isn’t usually the case.

The cost of love isn’t merely financial. It can be physical, spiritual, and mental as well. And the longer a relationship lasts, the higher the cost.

So, when things are looking rough, how do you fight for your relationship and not give up on the one you love?

When your relationship is at a crossroads, many friends, family, and co-workers might suggest leaving the relationship. There are valid reasons for leaving your partner, but there are also plenty of reasons to stay.

Why Should You Fight for Your Relationship?

This post will help you find the reasons in your relationship to keep fighting and come out the other side even more deeply in love.

1. They’re your best friend.

First dates are usually about physical attraction or a common interest. But what comes after the first date is usually what makes or breaks a relationship.

What comes after is a friendship unlike no other. Your partner is the one person in the world you can confide in, find comfort in, and hide from the worries of the outside world with.

This sort of friendship, built over a long period, is difficult to replace. Few people know you as well as your partner does and vice versa.

2. You can be yourself around them.

Speaking about knowing your partner… The comfort of being yourself around them is another reason to keep fighting for your relationship.

Whether you’ve had a bad day at work and need some “you time,” or you feel sick; being yourself in front of them comes naturally.

If you’ve spent all day in your pajamas watching Netflix and eating junk food, they might just join you. Even if they don’t join you, you won’t feel any judgment from them.

3. You can spend time alone, without worrying about them.

Trust is the foundation of all great relationships and jealousy can be the downfall of many. When both partners are honest with each other, trusting each other is easy.

If you can plan a fun night out with your friends, without having to worry about your partner’s opinion, or what they might get up to, then your relationship should be savored.

Even more so, if you allow each other that space regularly without any hesitation and complete trust. It’s natural to have hobbies and interests that might not match those of your partner, but it’s important to have them.

4. You accept each other’s mistakes.

If you and your partner have a strong bond, then surely you have already accepted your flaws within the relationship. Even better if you are constantly working on those flaws together, without judgment.

If this sounds like your relationship, then keep on fighting!

5. Arguments are resolved easily.

Arguments are not just common among friends and family but happen within relationships too. Most arguments are not a cause for concern unless they become violent or you become resentful.

Healthy relationships include conflict, but out of the conflict usually comes a new sense of understanding between the couple.

If both of you can say sorry when you are in the wrong and you are open to listening to your partner’s side of the story, then you have a great relationship that needs tending to.

6. You still enjoy your time together.

As we discussed, most relationships have arguments, but for most relationships, those arguments are only a small fraction of time spent together.

If you still enjoy being around your partner, whether it’s going out on dates, hanging out with friends, playing games together, or something else, it’s a good sign.

An even more important sign to look for is the mundane parts of life. Cleaning the house, washing clothing, or doing the dishes.

If you’d rather have your partner next to you scrubbing clean the dirty plates after a dinner party, then you should fight for your relationship.

7. Watering your garden.

Relationships take a lot of work. Sometimes we can be selfish. It’s human nature.

When you truly love someone, it’s much easier to let go of selfishness. If you are still willing to put in the time, effort, and emotional availability, then your relationship will be blossom like a tulip field in early spring.

8. You still love them.

This might sound straightforward, but it can be the hardest question to answer. If you truly still loved them, you probably won’t even be reading this. But you’re here, so there must be some doubt.

Don’t worry. It’s normal for people to question themselves, especially in a relationship. If you’ve read this far, and feel like most of the previously listed reasons apply to you, then you still have reason to fight for your relationship.

How to Fight in a Relationship

As we’ve said before, fighting is a common occurrence in all relationships. The amount of fighting and the degree of the fights might differ, but every relationship will eventually have them.

It could be about something small like house chores or an unwashed cup, or it could be something larger like infidelity.

Fighting is nothing to fear though. As long as it is handled and resolved correctly and timely. So how does one go about fighting in a relationship?

1. Effective communication should be at the heart of every spat.

Communication is the most important part of every fight. With proper communication, most fights could be avoided, and those that do come up can be resolved better.

If one or both parties aren’t communicating, it could lead to resentment, which in turn can lead to more fighting.

Before focusing on the fight, stop and think if this issue could be resolved with open communication.

2. Give each other enough time to speak.

But communication isn’t just about talking. It’s also about listening. Both parties want to be heard and understood. It’s important to say how you feel, but also important to listen to what your partner has to say.

Think about their perspective as well as yours before making any haste decisions. Ask for their opinion and why they might be disagreeing.

3. Listen with an open mind.

Keep an open mind when your partner speaks about their feelings. It can be difficult to put yourself in another’s shoes, but empathy and sympathy are important feelings in a relationship.

Your partner might be having trouble at work, financial issues, or family problems. These feelings might be projected towards you, but have nothing to do with you. Keep an open mind and ask about these things before going off on a tangent.

4. Have patience.

Don’t expect your partner to make decisions immediately. Some people act quick and rash, whereas others might want some time alone to reflect.

It is important to allow each other this reflection time because not only will it help you go back calmer and with a clearer mind, it will also foster more effective communication.

5. Maintain mutual respect.

The last, but most important part of fighting is respect.

Fights end with some sort of resolution, whether it is good or bad. It is important to respect your partner’s decisions, as well as them respecting yours.

This means even if the decision they make might not fit your decision or plan, you will have to deal with it.

Accepting your partner’s decisions, even if they don’t agree with you, can be the hardest part of any fight. It’s also the part that says most about your relationship.

If you respect each other’s decisions, there is still a fighting chance.


1. Is it okay to fight for someone you love?

Yes, yes, and yes! If you still love someone, go and fight for them. We all deserve love and it is a privilege to have it.

2. Should you fight for someone you love or let them go?

Love is not a one-way street. Before you give up on love, work on your communication.

Love is a language and everyone speaks it differently. What you might understand as showing love, might not be the same for your partner.

But, if both of you can sit down and reaffirm your love for one another, then there is no reason to let them go.

3. What is love worth fighting for?

A love that is worth fighting for is patient, kind, and giving. When both parties have open minds, are willing to listen and communicate openly, there truly is no measurable end to their love for one another.

4. What does fighting for a relationship mean?

Fighting for a relationship means doing everything you can to make it work rather than just giving up.

5. What does fighting with your ex mean?

Break-ups aren’t fun. They are a part of relationships though. If you are still on good speaking terms with your ex, then fighting might not be an issue and the relationship was in a fairly good place when things ended.

If you are still fighting with your ex though, it means that there are still unresolved issues. This is likely because of communication problems.

Either you have to forget about them, delete their contact info and unfollow them on social media, or follow our tips on how to fight and resolve these problems.

6. How do you know if your ex still has feelings for you?

Some break-ups happen not because you don’t love each other, but due to both parties not knowing how to handle conflict.

A great way to know if your ex still has feelings for you is to ask them if they are willing to work on these issues with you.

If your ex does love you, they will be willing to work on respecting you, communicating more openly, and learning to speak your love language.

7. How can I make my relationship work again?

The only way to make a relationship work again, and make it last, is by making sure you don’t relapse.

Just like a drug addict, you will need to stay away from potential triggers. These triggers can be anything that caused issues between you previously.

Wipe the slate clean, focus on communicating openly, and truthfully, and make sure to respect each other’s opinions. This can lead to a successful, long-lasting relationship.

Are You Ready to Fight for Your Relationship?

Whether your relationship is already over or you feel some tension and are thinking about whether or not you should end things, it’s important to remember that love is a gift we all deserve.

So, it’s important to know how to fight for your relationship and not give up on the one you love, especially when there is still love between you.

Reunite With Your Ex-Partner

This 14-day relationship program will help you learn how to take responsibility for your relationship, repair your mistakes, and build a stronger and happier relationship with your ex. 

You’ll learn how to communicate effectively, set boundaries, and resolve conflict in a healthy manner. By the end of this program, you’ll have the necessary tools you need to get your ex back and build a strong, lasting relationship.

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