When you break up with your ex, your feelings are still in a state of mess. It can get worse if you find out that your ex is moving away to another place.

A sense of helplessness rushes in and you don’t know how to react to that news. You want to make an effort to get your ex back, but now that they are moving away, you are not sure how to approach them.

This is a testing time for you and how you react to this situation will decide the fate of your relationship. You will have to keep your cool. Any negative reaction from you can prevent you from getting your ex back.

I understand what you are going through. It can be difficult to stay calm and composed but you need to.

Your ex might be expecting some drama from your side. And if you do exactly what they’re expecting, it will assure them that their breakup decision was right and moving away will seem like a good idea.

So just calm down and follow these simple steps to get back together with your ex.

1. Don’t Panic

Don’t Panic
Image via Pixabay

After your breakup, you might be thinking of ways to get back together with your ex. While you’re planning how to approach your ex, what would you do if you get to know that your ex is moving away to another city?

This news may lead you to a state of panic. You will start feeling that all is lost and there is nothing you can do to get your ex back now.

You may have the urge to call your ex and beg them not to move away. You may even consider going after them because them moving away from you seems like the final blow to your relationship. You start feeling that you will never be able to get back together.

When you hear that your ex is moving away, the first piece of advice for you is to calm down. Do not panic and make the situation worse. If you panic, you may end up making a decision that you will regret later.

2. Sort Out Your Chain of Thoughts

Sort Out Your Chain of Thoughts
Image via Pixabay

Once you calm down, you need to sort out your chain of thoughts.

You should ask yourself a few questions that include:

  • Why are you panicking at the thought of your ex moving away?
  • Do you really love your ex or do you just miss the good times spent together?
  • Why did you break up in the first place?
  • Is there a chance that you’ll get back together with your ex?
  • Will you be able to work on our relationship if they move away from you? Is a long-distance relationship your thing?
  • Will you be able to stop your ex from moving away?

When you get the news that your ex is moving away, your thoughts could be all over the place. Thinking through these questions will help you understand your true feelings.

Most of the time, we don’t confront our feelings and sweep everything under the rug. But now is the time for you to be clear about your thoughts and plan your actions accordingly to get your ex back.

3. Initiate a Conversation

Initiate a Conversation
Image via Pixabay

When you get to know that your ex is moving away, take a few days to calm down and sort your thoughts. Think it through before you proceed further.

Did a common friend tell you that your ex is moving away?

If so, you will have to contact your ex and initiate a conversation. This is a tricky step. You don’t want to look desperate and needy. But you still need to talk to them and show that you care.

So, how should you approach your ex?

Follow these steps when you are ready to have a conversation with your ex:

  • Send a casual message and inform your ex that you know they are moving away.
  • Drop subtle hints that you are sad at the news. For example, you can say, “You will miss seeing them in the office/college.”
  • Ask them to meet you before they move away.
  • If your ex hesitates at the idea of meeting you, do not pressurize them. Instead, you should keep calm and tell them that you understand they may be busy with packing.
  • If you sense that your ex is uncomfortable in meeting you alone, suggest having a get together with friends. This way, it will be difficult for them to reject the offer.
  • If your ex agrees to meet you, plan the meeting at your favorite hangout spot. The place can bring back good, old memories and your ex may think of all the good times you spent together.

4. Don’t Get Emotional When You Meet Your Ex

Don’t Get Emotional When You Meet Your Ex
Image via Pixabay

It can be overwhelming for you to meet your ex when you know that your ex is moving away. Try to keep yourself together and don’t get too emotional.

You have to remember that it is a big step for your ex and moving away is not easy for them as well. You should support their decision and be happy for them even if it is killing you inside.

When you meet, congratulate them on the move and tell them that you are happy for them. Offer help with packing stuff or anything else they may need. This will help you spend some more time with your ex before the day comes.

Once your ex is comfortable talking to you casually, you can tell them how you will miss them and the city will not be the same without them. You can also talk about your relationship and how you miss the happy times spent together.

However, if you sense a feeling of discomfort in your ex, then stop right there. You should talk about casual stuff and end the meeting on a good note. A good conversation can help you make your ex interested in you again.

It can help you ensure that you can stay in touch even after your ex moves away.

5. Keep in Touch

You will have to go out of your way to keep in touch with your ex once they move away.

Not seeing each other every day can be challenging, especially if you want to get back together with your ex. To overcome this, you have to remind your ex of your presence. But make sure that you don’t go overboard with texting and calling them.

It is also important to give them some space and time to think about you and miss you.

What should you do to keep in touch with your ex?

When your ex moves away, you can:

  • Use the power of texts to get to talk to them. Drop messages like “How are you?” and “How is the new place treating you?”
  • If you don’t get a reply, then don’t follow up immediately. You can text them again after a few days.
  • If they respond to your text, you can take the conversation forward and ask them if they like the new place. Have they settled in properly?
  • Remember, your ex may be missing the old place. You can casually remind them of all the good things that you both did together. This will make your ex miss you.
  • When your ex struggles with getting along with new people, comfort them. Assure them that they can call you and share their thoughts and feelings.
  • Call them after office hours to check on them. Your concern and care may touch their heart and make them turn to you for comforting conversations.
  • Send them pictures of the places where you used to hang out or upload some good pictures on social media. This will make them miss the old times even more.

All your efforts should be towards making a connection with your ex. Just texting and calling will not help. Your ex should find comfort in you when they are trying to settle in new surroundings.

This will help you strengthen your bond.

6. Visit Your Ex or Meet Them When They Are in Town

Visit Your Ex or Meet Them When They Are in Town
Image via Pixabay

Communication through text and phone calls is not enough. You will have to meet them face-to-face as well.

How can you meet them when your ex has moved away?

There are two ways to meet them.

a. Visit Your Ex

You can plan a visit to their city to meet your ex. But make sure you don’t tell your ex that you are especially coming to meet them. If your ex is still not prepared to get back together with you, they might not like the idea of you visiting them.

What should you do?

You can tell them that you are in town for some work and would like to catch up with them. Following a casual approach will not make your ex uncomfortable and they are more likely to meet you in this case.

Your goal should be to spend some quality time together. Don’t talk about the past or anything related to your breakup. Just spend some good time together so that your ex misses you when you go back.

b. Meet Your Ex When They Are in Town

Another way to meet your ex is to wait till the time they are in town. If you are in regular touch, your ex is likely to inform you about their visit.

Take this opportunity to remind your ex of all the things they are missing because they’ve moved away. Make the most of this time and use it to rebuild your relationship with them.

Distance can make people forget a lot of things that include memories from both bad and good times. When your ex visits the town again, you should focus on reminding them why you were together and how happy you were before they moved away.

Try to meet them alone and not in a group. You should have one-on-one conversations with your ex that may not be possible if you meet with a group of friends.


When you come to know that your ex is moving away, you are bound to lose your calm and imagine the worst-case scenarios. Your thoughts are all tangled and you feel there is no way to stop them from moving away or to get back with your ex.

You should remain positive and remember that there is no problem you can’t solve. Don’t panic. Breathe and calm yourself down. There’s still hope.

As your ex is moving away, there is no time to waste. Distance can either bring you closer or drive you apart from each other. If you want to get your ex back, then you will have to put in all your efforts.

It is important that you stay positive and pursue your love. If your feelings are mutual, then distance will not be able to harm your relationship.

But you need to meet them and make sure that they leave the city on a positive note. This will help you keep in touch with them even after they move away.

I hope these tips will help you find a way to get back with your ex. If you have any more questions for me, share them in the comments below. I’m always here to help.

Reunite With Your Ex-Partner

This 14-day relationship program will help you learn how to take responsibility for your relationship, repair your mistakes, and build a stronger and happier relationship with your ex. 

You’ll learn how to communicate effectively, set boundaries, and resolve conflict in a healthy manner. By the end of this program, you’ll have the necessary tools you need to get your ex back and build a strong, lasting relationship.

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