Do you think your ex has moved on?

It could be that he found someone new or you heard it from his friends that he doesn’t miss you anymore and has moved on.

It is always tough to go through a breakup. And it is painful when you find out that he has already moved on.

Are you are feeling like it is so unfair that he is happy while you’re still waiting and hoping that you’ll get back together?

It is only natural that you feel vindictive towards him, and you may have an urge to call him and give an earful. But remember that the reason you are feeling this way is that you are still in love with him. If you do anything rash, then it may end your chances to get your ex back forever.

We know that you are anxious, and you want to take action, and we are here to help you.

But before we go any further, we want to tell you that it will take time. You will have to be patient.

If he has moved on or found someone else, then he will not come back to you overnight.

You will have to take various steps and be your best self so you can show him what is he missing from his life.

We have compiled some steps that will help you get your ex back when he has moved on.

1. Relax, It’s Not the End

Relax, It's Not the End

Image via Pixabay

Breakups feel like the final thing, but trust us, they don’t have to be. You may be panicking right now, but that will not help you.

First, relax.

Otherwise, you may end up making mistakes that you will regret later.

If you want to get your ex back when he has moved on, you need to have a calm mind.

If you feel like you might do something drastic, you need to stay busy and keep your mind focused on something else.

You might have an urge to pick up the phone and ask him to come back to you. But that is going to drive him further away.

You can do the following activities to help yourself relax and distracted:

  • Talk to friends and vent as much as you want to. Talking helps relieve stress, and friends are the best outlet when you want to vent.
  • Listen to calming music to soothe your soul. Music can help you distract and calm your nerves at the same time. It is meditative and therapeutic.
  • Shopping therapy is another option. Shopping can help you get your mind off of stressful topics. And it can do wonders to your confidence level when you try on new clothes.
  • Treat yourself to a day at the spa. Getting a message and filling your senses with aromatherapy can help you relax. You will feel rejuvenated, and you will notice that there is a surge of positivity.
  • Pet therapy is another way to fill yourself with happy thoughts. If you don’t have pets of your own, you can go to a pet store and play with some furry friends. You will notice that when you are loved and cuddled by cute animals, you will feel happier. Or, at the very least, less sad.

2. Don’t Contact Him for Some Time

Don’t Contact Him for Some Time
Image via Pixabay

The reason we say that you need to relax is that, right now, you are overwhelmed with emotions. The chances are high that you will end up doing something that you will regret.

No matter what you are going through, you will have to keep it together right now. Don’t do anything that will make it difficult for you to get your ex back.

Once you calm down, the first thing we need you to do is not contact him for some time. We advise this time to be at least one month.

You will have to be strong during this time and resist the temptation to call them. Right now, distance is very important for both of you.

The only way you can get your ex back when he has moved on is to show that you have moved on yourself. You will have to keep your emotions to yourself right now.

You cannot give him the power to think that you are hurting because of him, and you want to get back together with him.

It can be difficult if you have the same common friends or if you see him daily at work or school. Don’t respond if your mutual friends talk about him. Do not initiate conversations with him when you see him.

We also advise that you do not check his social media accounts. He may post pictures with his current partner, and that will upset you. It is like knowingly walking on a landmine. It can again put you in an unhappy place that you are struggling to get out of right now.

3. Contemplate Your Next Move

Contemplate Your Next Move
Image via Pixabay

This no contact period is a great time for you to contemplate your next move. Right now, you need to focus on yourself.

The first thing you need about to think is why you want to get your ex back when he has moved on. Do you really love him or is it because you find him irresistible now that he is with someone else?

You need to have all the right reasons in your head if you want to get back together with your ex. If you are not convinced yourself, then you will never be able to convince him to come back to you.

It is best to be alone and think about all the things that he did for you. Think of all the reasons why you were in a relationship with him.

You also need this time to think about why you broke up. Who initiated the breakup and what was the reason for it?

You need these answers to sort your head. You need to think clearly before you make up your mind to approach him. If you are confused, then it will show in your actions.

4. Right Now, Focus on Yourself

Right Now, Focus on Yourself
Image via Pixabay

When you are taking time away from him, it is also a great time to focus on yourself. You need to make yourself a priority. All the things that you were not doin, because you were so consumed by the breakup need to be done now.

You will have to show him that you are a changed person and for that, you will have to take some reformative steps.

Here are some things that you can focus on to improve yourself and get your ex back when he has moved on:

  • You may have spent your days being anxious or sad and not taking care of your physical appearance. The first thing that you need to do is join a gym. If you are not a gym person, then do yoga or go for a run. You will have to get back in shape and lose those extra pounds (if any) that you gained because of stress eating.
  • The next thing you need to do is to visit a salon. Change your hairstyle or get a nice facial treatment. This is a great way to boost your confidence.
  • Think of the reasons for the breakup. Were you at fault? Was it any aspect of your personality that your ex complained about? Right now is a perfect time to work on those parts of your personality and improve For example, if you get angry easily, then you will have to work on your anger management.
  • Connect with all the hobbies that you were not following when you were with him. Get in touch with all the activities that you love doing. It helps to take your mind off him and can help reduce stress and anxiety.

5. Try to Be Friends Again

Try to Be Friends Again
Image via Pixabay

After you have taken enough time to be away from him, you can take the initiative to contact him again. You can text him or call him. But do not call again and again if he doesn’t respond the first time.

Let him get back to you. He should not feel that you are desperate to talk to him. You can drop a casual message asking him “How are you?”

Ask him to meet you for old time’s sake. Tell him that you want to be friends with him and nothing else. Let him know that you miss him as a friend, and there is no ulterior motive behind it.

It is best that you talk to him for some time before you ask him to meet you. Give him a chance to get comfortable around you again. You have to remind him why he used to like you, and you have to do it through your actions.

When you meet him, choose a casual place like a coffee shop to hang out. Don’t go to a fancy, romantic restaurant. If you want to get your ex back when he has moved on, then you will have to act cool around him.

Talk like a friend and discuss all the casual topics of conversation. Do not bring up the past or the relationship. He should feel that he can talk to you like before.

6. Is It a Rebound?

If you broke up recently, then his new relationship could be a rebound. Many people have rebound to get over an ex.

It could also be true for your ex. The only way to know is to wait. Everyone has their own way of overcoming the breakup phase.

Maybe your ex is acting out, and he thinks that finding a new girlfriend will help him get over you. It is obviously a mistake, and he is not in the frame of mind to understand that.

Also, you cannot tell him that he is making a mistake. If you want to get your ex back when he has moved on, then you will have to wait for him to come around. All you can do is be there for him as a friend.

Listen to him when he needs someone to talk to. You will have to be a better person in all this because you can see through everything that is happening right now.

7. Never Make Mean Comments About His Girlfriend

Now that you have established the friendship again, you have to be careful while talking about his girlfriend. If you say anything mean about her, then he will see you as someone petty and jealous.

You do not want to create a situation where he gets uncomfortable around you. If he brings up his girlfriend, then nod and just listen to him. Do not pass snide remarks. Do not even show it in your body language.

He may even be testing you to see if you will get disturbed by the topic of his current girlfriend. You have to show him that you are not jealous, and you have matured as a human.

Also, if you talk trash about his girlfriend and he gets defensive, then it will be a massive blow to the confidence that you have gained so far. It will also ruin your chances to get your ex back when he has moved on.

8. Tell Him That You Still Want Him Back

Tell Him That You Still Want Him Back
Image via Pixabay

When some time has passed, it is time to tell him the truth. Confess to him that you are still in love with him. Tell him that you want to get back with him even if he has moved on.

Some time has passed, and even he has gotten more comfortable around you. When you feel that you both are in that place where you can be honest with him, then tell him that you still want him back.

Say it face-to-face. Do not call or text him about your feelings. You need to see his reaction when you say that to him.

Tell him that you still miss him, and you think that you both are perfect for each other. Discuss the cause of the breakup. Assure him that you are a changed person, and it will never happen again.

If it was your fault or you broke up with him, then tell him that you made a mistake and you regret it. Let him know that you were the happiest with him.

Don’t ask him to answer your confession. Tell him that you just want to tell him how you feel and do not expect anything in return. This is the only thing you can do right now to get your ex back when he has moved on.

Let him come back to you with a reply. If you ask him what he thinks, then you are putting him in a spot. He might not be ready for it. So give him some space after you have confessed to him.

9. Show Him the Reasons That You Are a Better Choice

Show Him the Reasons That You Are a Better Choice
Image via Pixabay

Once you get back on friendly terms, you have the advantage to be close to him and know what all is happening in his relationship. Now you have the opportunity to convince him why you are a better choice than his current girlfriend.

Don’t tell him in words but with your actions. You have the advantage of knowing how he is feeling in the current relationship. You can assure him that you will always be there to listen to what he has to say. This will give you an opportunity to be the listener if anything goes wrong in his relationship.

Even when you are listening to him rant about his current girlfriend, you have to be careful and not side with him. If you bitch about his girlfriend, then it might work as reverse psychology. But instead, if you tell him to think from her point of view, then he will see your mature side.

He will appreciate this side of you and will automatically start comparing you to his current girlfriend. This will help you get your ex back when he has moved on.

You will have to be patient and wait for your chance to rise up to the pedestal. Always remember, good things come to those who wait. And it is highly likely, if it is a rebound relationship, that it will run its course and he will come back to you.

Ready to Get Your Ex Back?

Knowing that your guy has moved on can kill all your hopes to get back together. If you truly love him and can convey your feeling, then chances are high that you will get your ex back, even if he has moved on.

The important part is that you don’t lose hope and end up doing something foolish that can finish your chances with him. If you show your desperation to get him back, then it will drive him further away from you.

If he has found another girl, then you should not try to scheme and break them up. Rather you should approach him like a friend and wait for your time to slip casually back into his life and show him that you’re irreplaceable.

Follow the steps that we mentioned in the article, and you can get your ex back even if he has moved on. We hope that this was of help to you. If you have any queries or suggestions, then write to us, and we will try to help you to the best of our ability.

Reunite With Your Ex-Partner

This 14-day relationship program will help you learn how to take responsibility for your relationship, repair your mistakes, and build a stronger and happier relationship with your ex. 

You’ll learn how to communicate effectively, set boundaries, and resolve conflict in a healthy manner. By the end of this program, you’ll have the necessary tools you need to get your ex back and build a strong, lasting relationship.

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