Relationships can be complicated and the most complicated thing is to determine your own feelings towards your ex. Falling in love is one thing but not being able to forget old love is another.

If you are trying your best to forget your ex but you still can’t, then that means you are not over the relationship yet. In fact, you are compelled to bring back your ex.

It is always hard to forget someone you have feelings for. You don’t want to forget all of those little things that made you fall in love in the first place. It could be that the feelings you are trying to forget are actually your true feelings.

The moment you realize it, you should act upon it.

You need to figure out which things compel you to bring back your ex. We have compiled a list of such things and feelings that don’t allow you to let go of your ex.

So, decide what you want because it will be an uphill climb from there and we are here to help you.

Here you go…

1. You Can’t Get Over Your Ex

Can't Get Over Your Ex bring back

Image source: Canva

The biggest factor that compels you to bring back your ex is that you are still not over your relationship. No matter how hard you try, you find it hard to accept that you guys broke up.

You probably thought that you guys were really good together and nothing can come in between. But now you are shocked by the outcome.

You keep thinking about the chain of events in your head and how you could have prevented the breakup. You feel that this relationship still has got some chance. If you keep feeling this way, you should give it a try.

Living in the past and brooding over it will definitely not help you in any way. You obviously want more out of this relationship and you know that it has not yet run its course. If you keep feeling this way even after some time has passed after the breakup, then that is a compelling enough reason to bring back your ex.

2. You Can’t Find Anyone Like Your Ex

You feel that your ex completed you and now you cannot find anyone like your ex. It is difficult to get over someone but it is even harder, if you feel that person was your soulmate.

You find yourself at a constant comparison state. You keep thinking that your current date cannot top the things that your ex did. You keep comparing them with all of the qualities your ex has.

All of the things that you probably considered their flaws, now make you feel like those were the unique traits of your ex. Even if someone comes close to having those qualities, you still think that your ex was way better.

You have this constant fear that now you cannot find anyone as amazing as your ex. You don’t know how to cope up with the fact that you let “the one” go. And now you want to try to bring back your ex.

3. Your Ex Understands You

Understands your ex bring back

Image source: Canva

You get into a new relationship and you try to open your heart to this new person. But that only makes you realize that your ex understood you better. This can be a very compelling reason for you to bring back your ex.

You are the kind of person who finds it hard to open up to someone. And even when you try to open up, you don’t get the kind of understanding and reassurance from your new partner.

It could be that you and your ex were from the same professional field and it was very easy for you to talk to your ex. And now you can’t do the same with your new date because you are from very different backgrounds.

Or, you and your ex might have similar tastes and interests. Maybe you did similar things and had fun. But now you cannot share these emotions and interests with your new partner.

You find it hard to explain and there is no favourable response either. Things like these make you miss your ex even more and you want to bring back your ex.

4. You Can’t Part with the Memories Together

You and your ex share a history, childhood, or memory together that you can’t part with. You want to keep your ex close because both of you have seen a lot together and you don’t want to let go of those memories. This feeling compels you to bring back your ex.

You feel that both of you go way back together and no one will ever be able to fill the void, if you let your ex go. You cannot move on because of this feeling.

If you don’t want to let go of the past, then that feeling will surely force you to bring back your ex.

5. You are Nervous Around New People

Meeting new people gives you anxiety. You get nervous and just want to run away. You are the type of person who wants familiar people around. And it is very difficult for you to make new contacts.

This might not be true professionally but personally, you don’t open your heart easily.

You like doing the same things and meeting the same friends. Change is not something that goes down too well with you.

This might not be true for everyone. But a sense of familiarity could attract you to your ex. You like your routine and don’t want to change it. This compels you to bring back your ex.

6. Your Family and Friends Want You Back Together

Your Family and Friends Want bring back your ex

Image source: Canva

Your family and friends have a huge influence on you and they think that you and your ex made a very good pair. They cannot believe that you let such an awesome person go and they want you to reconcile and bring back your ex.

Sometimes, we don’t know what is good for us until someone close to us tells us about it. You place your trust in your loved ones and their advice is what you seek in times of distress.

There are times when you need an unbiased opinion and a different perspective. You may tend to miss it because you are too busy with the aftermath of the breakup. So, if they tell you that you made a mistake, then this can totally compel you to bring back your ex.

7. You are Still in Love with Your Ex

Still in Love with Your Ex bring back

Image source: Canva

You think that you have moved on and you also found somebody new. But even if you are with your new partner, you keep thinking about how to bring back your ex.

You keep going back in time when you were with your ex. These signs show that you are actually not over your ex and you are still very much in love with them.

You keep going through old memories and don’t want to delete your photos together. You keep in touch with what is happening in your ex’s life. You are constantly following your ex on social media.

Everywhere you go, there will be things that remind you of the time spent with your ex. You find it hard to relate to and accept someone new because you just don’t have those feelings. This is definitely something that will make you bring back your ex.


It is always good to use your mind and logic for almost all of the things in life. But when it comes to matters of love, your heart will always tell you the right thing to do. You should not ignore the signs that your heart gives.

When you feel a real connection with someone, it will always remain with you. This kind of relationship is hard to find and you should not let go until you give it your best shot. After all, you don’t want to live your life in regret, thinking that you could have done something to bring back your ex.

We hope that these pointers helped you understand your feelings better. Please let us know what you think about this post in the comments below. We’ll love to hear from you.

Reunite With Your Ex-Partner

This 14-day relationship program will help you learn how to take responsibility for your relationship, repair your mistakes, and build a stronger and happier relationship with your ex. 

You’ll learn how to communicate effectively, set boundaries, and resolve conflict in a healthy manner. By the end of this program, you’ll have the necessary tools you need to get your ex back and build a strong, lasting relationship.

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