If you are planning to get your ex-girlfriend back, then you have to be prepared for some difficult situations. Approaching her isn’t the difficult part, convincing her to start the relationship all over again is.

Since you already know her well enough, you probably know the best way to get your ex-girlfriend back. However, she might have lost all faith in relationships and this is where you might have to face real hardship.

Dont Go

You need to remember that nothing in life comes easy. If you really want her back in your life, this will only be a small effort towards it. At every step, you will need to keep in mind to not send her the wrong message, because if she misinterprets any of your overtures, the chances of reviving the relationship will be slim.

Here are a few tips on how you can get your ex-girlfriend back:

1. Do Not Stalk Her

If you want her back in your life, then do something more productive than just constantly checking what she’s up to on social media. You never know, a straightforward approach might just help you get your ex-girlfriend back.

Women prefer men who are honest about their feelings and intentions and give them their space. They tend to avoid men who lurk around anonymously.

If you have something to tell her, come clean about it. If she admired that quality in you the first time you asked her out, she will appreciate it this time around as well.

Obsessed to stalking

2. Express Your Feelings the Right Way

When you decide that you want to get your ex-girlfriend back, you will feel a little bit nervous. It shows you care.

If you still love her and feel that whatever went wrong can be fixed, you have to let her know that’s how you feel, but do so in the right way. You need to remember that she is no longer your girl and that she probably doesn’t trust you as much as she used to.

It would be wrong to assume that she will understand everything on her own. She deserves an explanation. She deserves to know why you think you can make it work again.

Also, you should be honest and you should be willing to admit any of your faults that led to the breakup. The only way you can get your ex-girlfriend back is by being honest about your feelings.

You need to show her that you are open to changes and that you genuinely want to mend things. Talking and expressing feelings goes a long way to make a relationship work.

3. Express Your Apology and Mean It

If it was something about you or something you did that made her decide to end it with you, then there needs to be an apology from your end. If you are trying to get your ex-girlfriend back after she gave up on you, then make sure you have amended your ways. When you apologize to her, you should actually mean it.

She may not believe it initially but if you have actually changed, she will realize it no matter what. Honesty always pays off but you also need to be patient in the process.

It is not necessary that your apology will reap rewards immediately. Keep your cool and keep trying until your apology goes through. A heart-felt apology can for sure help you get your ex-girlfriend back.


4. Do Not Be a Pest

Do not text or call her all day long. It’s annoying. Very annoying. No matter how badly you miss her, do not annoy her with your calls and texts.

If she is not responding to your calls or texts, it means she is purposely avoiding you. You shouldn’t beg for her attention.

If she has broken up with you, it clearly means she is just not into you for the time being. You have to control the instincts that tell you to keep contacting her in whatever way possible and convince her to get back with you.

You need to give her space to think things through. If you keep contacting her frequently, it can have an adverse effect. You need her to respect you and not feel bothered by you.

Giving her space can make it easier for you to get your ex-girlfriend back.

5. Contact Her When You are No Longer a Broken Man

Trying to reach out to her and make her understand your point right after a breakup is like banging your head against the wall. There is nothing that you can really do at that point to make her listen to your reasons or feelings.

It is best to give her and yourself some space. Time will help both of you forget the bitter memories and remember all of the good times that you spent together.

You should use this time to introspect your behavior. You need to think about what went wrong and how you can fix it. This will help you become a stronger, more confident version of yourself. And then you will have better chances to get your ex-girlfriend back.

A confident version of you is likely to attract her more. In fact, she might be left wondering how you managed to get over her and gather yourself back together so smoothly.

6. Keep a Positive Attitude

Once someone realizes they are indispensable, they are likely to take that person for granted. Your girlfriend already knew you loved her and cared for her when she left you, so there is no point trying to reassert your feelings.

Show her you are something she thought you were not. Show her that you are strong enough to live happily without her. She is bound to check on you after some time has passed, just out of curiosity or otherwise.

Let her be astonished by your strength and ability to recover from the breakup. If she doesn’t approach you, you can now approach her and begin a fresh conversation that’s not clouded by the darkness of the past. Your positivity will definitely charm her and help you get your ex-girlfriend back.

Positive Attitude to Get Ex Girlfriend Back

7. Contact Your Ex When You are Sure You Can Live Without Her

To get your ex-girlfriend back, you need to be mentally strong. This isn’t just for her benefit, it’s for yours as well. You should be strong enough inside to be able to live without her. Accept that the relationship is no more and that not having her in your life will not change anything about you.

Only then you can emerge stronger. Even when you are reconnecting with her, you should still be okay with any kind of outcome. If you have managed to reach this stage, you are already a winner. And no girl can resist a winner.


When you get your ex-girlfriend back, you have to be sure to leave your past differences behind and move ahead. Do not bring up past issues in your conversations. If she brings up the past, explain to her that you are a changed man now.

Let her know your intentions towards her so she knows and can be sure you will not do anything that will upset her or hurt her. The best way to make a relationship work is to keep thinking positive and always do what’s right for both of you, not just what’s good for you alone.

We hope that we were able to help you out and we wish you luck. You should go and get your ex-girlfriend back. Please feel free to share your questions and suggestions in the comments below.

Reunite With Your Ex-Partner

This 14-day relationship program will help you learn how to take responsibility for your relationship, repair your mistakes, and build a stronger and happier relationship with your ex. 

You’ll learn how to communicate effectively, set boundaries, and resolve conflict in a healthy manner. By the end of this program, you’ll have the necessary tools you need to get your ex back and build a strong, lasting relationship.

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